I wish I was one of those really talented people who can just always think of something worth saying, but especially if I'm pinned to a topic (say, my life as a Volunteer in Moldova), I lack inspiration on demand.
On those days, I may still have other things I want to share. Since I figure this blog's titled for and dedicated to my Moldovan experiences, you shouldn't really feel any obligation to seem interested in all other Cassie stuffs. That's why rather than blogging them, I've given them their own little pile of pages, which are pinned to the right of this text. (Then blogged to tell you about them-- hope that part's cool with you all.)
This makeshift arrow may or may not point to the new pages-- it's really just demonstrating right for you.
You're welcome.
Just wanted to point them out. Sooner or later, I'm even going to add things that are valuable and interesting over there. (For the time being, it really was mostly me entertaining myself, truth be told.) Browse if you please.
La revedere! (We say this to mean "Good bye!" here, but I recently learned that it literally translates to something closer to "Until I see you again" and I love it just that much more now. It's just right.)